
Pregnancy Cravings: My Sweet Tooth

What do pregnant mothers usually crave? According to a survey conducted by BabyCentre, almost 40% voted for the sweet stuff.  I’m one of those with both hands (and feet) raised!

Knowing my soft spot, I’ve been trying to cut down on sugary stuff, or at least try a healthier alternative other than a bar of chocolate or that bowl of “ice kachang” (shaved ice loaded with colourful syrup, jelly, beans and condensed milk).

When it comes to cravings, some moms prefer to give the belly what it wants.  There are times when I cave in and savour my popcorn that tastes so heavenly.  Generally, I’m mindful of my diet, bearing in mind the health risks.

fresh fruits...anyone?..;)

To curb my sweet tooth, I’ve turned to fruits as a substitute.  Take a peek into my refrigerator, and you’ll find at least two of those fruits:

Dragon Fruit

A popular fruit in the summer.  It’s rich in Vitamin C, fibre, minerals and phyto albumins which are highly valued for their antioxidant properties. Helpful to move those bowels too.

Jambu (Rose Apple/Bell Fruit)

It’s a perfect thirst quencher on a hot day.  Although some may be put off by its taste due to its strong aftertaste.  This summer fruit is high in Vitamin C, fibre and known to reduce cholesterol levels.


“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” This saying may be true according to a study presented at the American Thoracic Society conference (BBC News).  Mothers who ate four or more apples a week were half as likely to have an asthmatic child than those who ate fewer.

I’m not sure how true it is, but an medium apple counts as one cup of fruit, which meets half of your daily fruit quota: 2 cups for adults on a 2,000-calorie diet.


We’ve known oranges to be high in Vitamin C.  What we may not know is that it’s a great source of folic acid that helps prevent neural tube defects.  It’s also rich in Vitamin A that helps build strong bones and teeth, and helps the heart, lungs, kidneys function well.


These little power houses are “super food” for antioxidants and joint health.  They are an excellent source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure by getting rid of excess sodium in our blood.  Studies have also shown that cherries help you sleep better because they contain melatonin.


They aren’t sweet but its creamy texture helps ease those cravings.  Loaded with folic acid, potassium, Vitamins C and B6, this “A-list” super food is one of the highly recommended food to eat while pregnant. Bear in mind, however, that avocados are rich in fat, so it’ll contribute on to your weight gain. 🙂


Moms, how do you tackle your food cravings?  Do you have a “mind over matter” or “let the belly decide” philosophy?


Photo credit: sasithorn_s via Flickr CC



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